戶主希望擁有一個比酒店 staycation 更安全、更舒適的場地,不用預約,無 時無刻都可享受酒店般的體驗。設計師 便利用設計巧思,讓戶主一家可以在新 居「宅」度假! Despite its diminutive size, this 661 square foot apartment in Garden Vista is simple, stylish and practical, thanks to an extensive overhaul completed by Raphael Wong of B.R.G. Interior Design.


靈活的空間設計是 Staycation 的重要條件, 設計師把廚房拆去改為開放式,而原本的牆身 位置則改建為一張雲石吧檯,不但可供收納,更令本來未 能使用的空間變身成為休閒地帶。當戶主不用招待朋友時,便可在此上網,泡一杯咖啡,恍似在 café 享受一個寧靜的下午。到了週末,吧檯變成了飯廳,無論是燭光晚 餐,或是家庭聚餐,都有足夠的位置擺放食材及餐具。




單位運用了酒店常用的炭灰色、黑色、淺灰色,不但有助分區,同色系讓空間富有連貫性。設計師善用窗戶大的特 點,把廚房改為開放式,引進陽光進入客廳,照亮整個空間。電視牆的角位換上黑框清玻璃,令電視牆後的衣帽間 更明亮,營造恍如酒店般的光猛效果。




來到主人房,地面由雲石換上木地板,並在睡床周圍鋪設 地毯,頓時添上一份從容和寫意。牆壁鑲嵌的雲石與大廳 要享受「宅」度假,又怎能缺少一個具 Spa 功能的浴室? 單位原先有兩個浴室,但間隔牆令空間變得狹小。設計師便作出一個創新的改動,就是將兩個浴室合二為一,間隔 改動後足以容納浴缸和企缸,配備酒店式的設備,帶來五 星級體驗。設計師亦加大了洗臉檯和鏡櫃的面積,營造低 調又高貴的格調。浴室兩側增加了插頭位,讓女戶主可以 按需要設定梳妝的位置,並有足夠的地方放置不同的美 髮、美容器材,令浴室搖身一變成為酒店 SPA 房,從此 令戶主一家足不出戶即可享受宅在家的美妙時刻。




 「宅」度假的精髓是就算置身在家中亦不覺沉悶乏味,以 戶主的女兒房為例,設計師善用窗台做了一個十一呎長的 書檯以拉闊視野,房內的空間亦較改造前大了三分之一, 更騰出位置建造一個特大的升高地台,女兒可按需要將床 墊移至合適的地方,隨時改變房間的傢具擺位以擺脫約定 俗成的格局。「宅」度假的設計構思讓空間感變大,在適 當的位置破舊立新,而採用較透光的物料,例如玻璃則有 助增加通透感;物料用色一致可以延伸空間視野,至於簡 單的裝飾線條能減少壓迫感,成就這個美好之家。


As a result of the global pandemic, the people of Hong Kong have been spending more time at home than ever over the last 18 months, which has created a unique set of challenges give the limited space typically available. And while there are so many unique places to slope off for a staycation in the SAR, the reality is this can be expensive. So, the owners of this 661 square foot apartment in Garden Vista decided to create their own staycation getaway, right there in their home.


In order to achieve this, lead designer Raphael Wong of B.R.G. Interior Design began work with several structural changes in order to make the small apartment more workable. He started by tearing down the kitchen wall and adding a bright L-shaped island to open up the room to the living and dining areas, creating the illusion of space. He also replaced a corner of the concrete wall behind the television with glass panels, allowing the light to flood through from the dressing room behind.


Next, Wong knocked down the wall between two bathrooms in order to create one more expansive shared space, large enough to house a bathtub, shower and dedicated vanity area. And finally, he introduced a clean and contemporary neutral palette featuring shades of grey, brown, white and cream, which combine together to entice the rich green undertones of the lush verdant surrounds inside the home.