所謂「捨去才有得」,設計師捨棄了原有的間隔, 善用居室每一寸空間,並配以玻璃營造開揚的視 覺效果。由於佈局處理得宜,使整室更感寬敞舒 適,滿足戶主一家的生活所需之外,亦呈現出他 們理想的設計風格。

Designed by the talented team at AE Plus Interior Design Limited, this charming apartment in Ma On Shan is the epitome of contemporary elegance and style, without compromising on practicality.


屋鋪上木紋地磚,所有間隔幾乎重新規劃, 特別是書房的匠心設計,令整室感覺煥然一 新。由於曲尺形走廊昏暗侷促,為改善採光不足的問題, 設計師拆去書房的部分實牆,改以玻璃充當間隔,使空 間頓時變得開揚明亮。此外,考慮到戶主女兒經常使用 到書房,於是改動了睡房的門位,把入口設於書房內, 形成「房中房」的格局。




廚房設於大門側旁,改用玻璃格子趟門,塑造成半開放式的格局,同時騰出空位放置鞋櫃。鞋櫃與廚房共用同 一道門板,順著路軌左右推移,可節省空間。走廊加設 暗門成為特色牆的一部分,牆身用上防木膠板鋪飾,紋 理幾可亂真,為整個廳區帶來聚焦效果。電視背牆選用 溫潤沉穩的胡桃木色,在簡潔的空間更顯溫潤,飯廳的 牆身則以深色雲石飾面,搭配疏落有致的木條子,增添 層次感,效果非凡。客廳格局呈窄長形,設計師刻意省下電視櫃的空間,僅在近窗位置放上一列薄身儲物櫃。 梳化背牆髹上淺灰色油漆,空間倍感明亮,亦與特色牆 取得平衡的視覺效果。大廳加建假天花及設置燈槽滲光,佈局簡約時尚,將戶主鍾情的酒店式設計風格引進 室內。




書房換上大片玻璃作間隔,空間變得明亮舒適,沿牆身 放置一列曲尺形書櫃,窗台則改建成書檯,為戶主女兒 打造寬闊的學習空間。房間佈局簡約素雅,與黑色雲石 的牆身形成鮮明對比;推開連接睡房的趟門,室內加建 了儲物地台,深木色傢具刻劃出空間層次,窗前迎來充 足光線,不會讓空間顯得沉重。設計師重組原有主客廁 的間隔,僅在主廁安排衛浴設備,減去客廁空間,並分 配給主人房以擁有更寬敞的面積,令房間足以採用「三 面落床」的設計。主人房佈局散發優雅格調,床頭牆的 灰色捫皮以不規則形式拼貼,兩旁鋪上木紋膠板點綴, 加上一道由黑色啞面磚鋪砌而成的特色牆,展現出空間 個性,從中體現酒店房間的設計元素。及頂衣櫃帶來豐 富的儲物量,特別配置了可拉出的鏡面,方便用後收藏 於櫃內,旁邊放上小巧的梳妝檯,使房間功能更加完備。


Measuring in at just 680 square feet, this charming apartment in Ma On Shan’s Vista Paradiso development is small but well appointed. However, the owners wanted to introduce a modern design scheme that made the most of every square inch, while also increasing the size of the master bedroom. As such, they sought professional help from the talented team at AE Plus Interior Design Limited.


Before starting work on the interiors, the design team wanted to take care of a couple of structural issues. They began by reorganising the original area between the main and guest bathrooms, reducing the size and functionality of each space to free up more room for the master bedroom. They also created a separate office area with a glass divide in order to provide a place where the owners’ daughter could study.


With this part of the project completed, they then turned their attention to the interior design scheme, which embraces an elegant yet understated contemporary vibe. Adding warmth, dark wood panelling has been added across the length of the living and room, introducing an element of continuity that exists harmoniously with each separate area. A simple white sofa in the lounge and matching chairs that flank the dining table add to the sense of cohesion, making the room flow seamlessly. The more private areas of the apartment have been discretely hidden behind a secret door in the panels.